Tag: presentation

MacDevOpsYVR 2022 Workshop

It’s been really quiet here, but that’s because I’ve been busy!

For starters, I participated in a workshop in June for the consistently excellent MacDevOpsYVR conference. We discussed various ways of deploying MunkiReport. I strongly encouraged everyone to take a look at Docker!

Many, many thanks to Mat X for inviting me to share my experiences, and for his skillful editing of the video recording.

My diagrams are included in the video, but I’m posting them here for posterity. 😎

More to come on this topic!

Modern Bootstrapping Presentation

I had the honor of presenting at the University of Utah’s May 2021 MacAdmins Meeting this week.

The slides and video are already up – check them out here!

Munki 101 Presentation

For our April 2017 Greater Philadelphia Mac Admins meeting, I presented on Munki 101. Here’s the summary (along with the slides), and here is the video:

Greater Philadelphia Mac Admins

I’m not sure how I hadn’t posted about this yet, but I help organize a local meetup group for Mac / iOS admins, called Greater Philadelphia Mac Admins. We meet monthly – if you’re in the area, you should consider attending! The meetings are free, and dinner is provided.

For more information, please see our website.

Also, I presented on Munki a few months ago, at the October 2015 meeting. Check it out!

PSU MacAdmins Conference 2012 Presentation

This year, I gave my first presentation at the Penn State MacAdmins Conference: Introduction to Mac Triage and Troubleshooting. Here’s the description:

In this session, we’ll go over the basics of component isolation and hardware/software troubleshooting. We’ll cover common fixes and methods for diagnosing a problem quickly and accurately.

My slides are available here, and the video is below. Enjoy!

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