Author: Mike

PSU MacAdmins Conference 2012 Presentation

This year, I gave my first presentation at the Penn State MacAdmins Conference: Introduction to Mac Triage and Troubleshooting. Here’s the description:

In this session, we’ll go over the basics of component isolation and hardware/software troubleshooting. We’ll cover common fixes and methods for diagnosing a problem quickly and accurately.

My slides are available here, and the video is below. Enjoy!

Allow admin users with no password to use sudo

Although Apple has always discouraged it, users were able to create accounts without passwords until OS X 10.7. Starting with OS X 10.5, Apple prevented these types of accounts from being able to use ‘sudo’ via the command line.

Why might this be a problem? In my case, I built a diagnostic OS (accessible via NetBoot) that sometimes needed this kind of access. MacPorts was a common issue, but the original reason was a program called CopyCatX. If your user account did not have a password set, CopyCatX would refuse to run.

Anyway, the fix is pretty easy – you’ll need to edit the file /etc/sudoers. Although it’s recommended that you use visudo (as it does sanity checks on the file), I tend to use TextWrangler. Carefully.

Change the line that reads:

%admin ALL=(ALL) ALL

to say this instead:


(I’d recommend against copying and pasting – Bad Things can happen if this file is damaged. Type it out.)

Save. You may need to reboot, as well.

Tested with: 10.5, 10.6, 10.7, 10.8, 10.9

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