My name is Mike Solin, and I’m a Client Platform Engineer – I manage devices for organizations. I recently worked for a large corporation that you’d recognize. Prior to that, I handled deployment, endpoint management, and more for a decade in higher education.
Having used Macs for almost my entire life (my parents owned an original Macintosh 128K in 1984!), I got my start by circumventing Apple’s parental controls on the family computer. From there, I began my career as an Apple certified repair technician. This led me to learn scripting and imaging, becoming a part of the Mac Admin community in the process. I’m proud to be an organizer for Greater Philadelphia Mac Admins.
I can be found at mikesolin.com, @flammable on the MacAdmins Slack, or at these other websites:
To reach me via email, please use this contact form. For my resume, click here.